Rain, rain, go away, come again another day (or not! ).
It’s our own fault — we prayed so hard for the end of those cold, dreary, winter days, and this is what we get. Humid and rainy. At least it’s not snowing anymore, right? The only problem is that rainy weather is terrible for daily commutes. Winter boots will make you sweat while sneakers will leave your ankles cold and wet.
Despite what we’ve been led to believe by our parents, yellow rubber boots don’t make an outfit “cool”. But, there are some special renditions of the typical rubber boots that just may fit the bill. Here are five examples of some stylish boots that are sure to keep your toes warm and dry during this wet transition into the spring:
The printed surprise: These 100 per cent waterproof boots are made of flexible natural rubber that allow movement while you walk. They may appear like regular rubber boots, but the print really makes a difference. It says, “yes, I’m wearing rubber boots, and I own it.” They come in multiple colours and patterns, which means you can get one that is custom to your style.

The half-pint: Some people just can’t wear tall boots, whether it’s because of their calves don’t fit the skin-tight material or it’s just not their style. That’s what’s so great about these short boots. They are stylish, can be worn with jeans or dress pants, and work perfectly for the person who is opposed to tall, clunky rubber boots.

The shoe-boot: These shoes are actually made of rubber, which means they are waterproof flats! Whoever invented these are genius. Imagine wearing them with a pair of jeans and a nice top while out on the town one evening. It’s the perfect compromise — stylish, yet practical. They will probably last longer than your regular flat shoes too.

The warm-layered look: It may be humid out, but that doesn’t mean it’s summer just yet. These boots are perfect for this in-between weather. The knitted top makes it look like a regular winter boot, but the bottom is completely rubber, and therefore waterproof. These boots would be great with leggings, or any pant that can be tucked into it.

The funky knee-high: Finally, there is the funky knee-high — a traditional rubber boot, just filled with character and style. Hunter has a lovely selection of boots with bright colours and patterns. These are for the traditionalists out there, those who don’t want to deviate from what they know. These boots are bound to keep your feet dry, but they also add a little something extra.

Do you have a pair of rubber boots you love? What do they look like? Let us know in the comments below!