Ladies be warned, if you’ve ever worn a bathing suit or enjoyed dancing, this is what Twitter thinks of you.
Be warned that there is plenty of awful language (and awful people) showcased below. Take a moment to remind yourself that every human being has worth and shouldn’t be judged based on their sexuality, and provocative dancing is not an invitation for sexual assault.
Before you delve below, let’s take a moment to look at a photo of a kitten.
Okay, that should float your soul up a little bit before it utterly plunges when you read the tweets below.
Let’s begin.
Scolded for saying Miley Cyrus looked like a whore. Had to clarify: “It looks like she sells her cunt.” #allfixed
— Brad (@RealBradEdwards) August 27, 2013
Miley Cyrus or Miley Stupid Dumb Whore Fucking Cunt? — Captain Asshole (@ReelBigJim) August 28, 2013
@MileyCyrus haha yeah right, you are nothing than just another whore, you want attention all the time cunt. — apap (@AW44_) August 27, 2013
I would never stick my dick in Miley Cyrus man she’s a tramp — Steven Supreme (@stevenarundell) August 28, 2013
my teacher just called miley cyrus a tramp. hahah — Sarah Lane
(@Sarahlanee11) August 28, 2013
Miley cyrus is a dirty tramp, if u disagree you’re probably one too — Adam Green (@a_green53) August 28, 2013
Fuck miley cyrus that attention whore trying to get famous by being a slut and twerking — Michael Macedo (@MickeyMoTiOnZ) August 23, 2013
Miley Cyrus is such a slut — Harriet Aspinall (@HarrietA_) August 28, 2013
Miley Cyrus a nasty lil slut — Han (@Hanmurda) August 28, 2013
I used to look up to Miley Cyrus, now shes such a slut — Amyy (@AmyThistleton) August 28, 2013
I wonder if miley cyrus knows that the world thinks shes a ratchet hoebag #slut — john loffredo (@jl0af) August 28, 2013
Miley Cyrus has ruined herself though. She’s gone from innocent ‘Hannah Montanna’ too a crazy ass slut — Jess (@JessOgboli) August 28, 2013
@MileyCyrus @mksimpson23 aye I’d pump her full of cock porridge but I still think she’s a total cunt — Ali Hewitt (@AliHewitt32) August 28, 2013
Miley Cyrus definitely measures how much cock she has had in yards #LoooooooovesCock — Todd Freemantle (@ToddFreemantle) August 28, 2013
I know I’m pretty late on this but Miley Cyrus’s performance on VMA’S was so disgusting. She’s a disgusting person now….can’t even believe — Taylor Pate (@Taybugg101) August 28, 2013
miley cyrus’ performance on the vma awards is actually disgusting! #cringe
— Anna Liddiard (@Anna_Liddiard) August 28, 2013
And apparently this is grounds to rape someone:
Miley is gonna get her ass raped or some shit acting like a damn hoe that gives free blows.
— nahht. (@fckn_nat) August 26, 2013
Miley Gonna Get Raped After This Show. She Don’t Know She’s In Brooklyn.
— Tee. (@TheGoldenGuns) August 26, 2013
Miley gonna get raped tonight . Js
— Kenai
(@BigNoseBandit_) August 26, 2013
Miley gonna find herself in tha wrong hood one day and get raped.
— Creep God (@ROLLthemTREESup) June 15, 2013
Miley Cyrus is gonna get raped.
— Jaysin ~ #BreastGod (@BreastWhisperer) June 20, 2012
You can follow Travis on Twitter at @TravMyers.