Deane Code: Building a body of work

A communications professional, fitness coach, and bodybuilder. It’s rare to meet someone with such a multifaceted range of expertise, passions, and skill set. Deane Code stood out to me for her enthusiasm, energy,…

4 min read

Marathon running? Ever heard of Philippides?

The inspiration for the marathon was a man named Philippides.  According to Greek myth, Philippides ran from the battlefield at Marathon all the way to Athens to announce Greece’s victory over Persia. He…

2 min read

Moments of Beauty

I can hear the wind rustling the palm trees above me. The frogs whistle to each other and for a brief moment I understand the language of the palm trees and the frogs.…

3 min read

Ode to the shower

For blessings, large and small, I love Canada.  A favourite aspect of my life in the great white north is beginning each workday with a shower; an invigorating, experiential blend of solitude, hot…

4 min read

All I want for Christmas

Christmas is upon us, so I’m making a list of everything I want.  I want everything I want and I want it, now.  That’s what I want. I want peace; at home and…

4 min read

The Narcissist Apocalypse

Hollywood has given us numerous scenarios, wherein zombies try to take over the world.  A zombie apocalypse makes for great fiction and comedy.  However, not funny, nor fictional, is the increasing number of…

5 min read